Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to my world

It's like putting on a comfy pair of shoes, writing under the Domestic Bliss umbrella again after a bit of a hiatus. It all started off for me at the Bath Chronicle, where I was tasked to write a weekly column about my family life, then with a mere four children and husband. Then we upped sticks and moved to Perth, Australia, baby number 5 on the way and I managed to persuade a kindly editor to take the column on again. Perhaps it was my enormous girth - then 36 weeks pregnant with an enormous child to be - which made him agree to it, whatever, I wrote again, this time including the star child, Oli's arrival in September 2008, for the northern suburbs readership of Perth.
Then the GFC happened, through no fault of my own. Well I say that but perhaps my reckless Ikea spending in 2006 may have kickstarted the whole global collapse, it's hard to say.
And the column was sadly shelved thanks to lack of funds. Now papers around the world have to rely on journalists already accepting a pittance for their services to write columns, rather than pyjama-wearing freelancers who swallow up budgets greedily.
So after all that, and finally getting out of the pyjamas in favour of creased clothes from K-Mart, I have rejoined the working world and now edit the hilarious titled Mining Chronicle. It's like the Bath Chronicle, but about mining, not so much about Bath.
And this is my first blog ever, and like a dog who's buried a bone somewhere but can't quite remember where, I've come back to my old scratching ground - Domestic Bliss - which is basically all about living in the middle of a pretty noisy, chaotic family of five kids, two cats, a swimming pool (new addition since Bath) and husband.
So do let me know what you think - and whether you'll be joining me for the ride.